Airline Customer Journey

Airline Customer Journey was a part of projects I participated in called “Art of the Possible.” These prototypes enabled sales to show the capabilities of Teradata and what new things could be brought to their Teradata experience.

Airline Customer Journey has two tracks that a user can explore - Customer Service and an airlines airport experience. In the Customer Service flow, the user can access a traveller’s information to see if their customer experience index score is positive or negative, and see any trends that may be causing their score to be effected positively or negatively.

In one use case, a user can see a high profile executive that is traveling to their airport but is at risk at missing their flight. Within this dashboard, the user can dispatch a concierge to escort the VIP through the airport to ensure they get to their flight on time.

In a second use case, a user is being highlighted for a negative customer score, however this customer complains often to try and get free perks from the airline. Based on this data, the next best action can be served to the user to appropriately handle the customer.


ClearScape Analytics Experience


Patient Journey