Teradata Developer Portal

When I started work on the Teradata Developer Portal, there was very little continuity between the sites. The main landing page was tied to our marketing site, which made users feel that it was not the place to look for developer resources. Other sites, such as the Downloads site, had not been updated in years even though it is one of the most visited sites for Teradata Developers.

Understanding that landscape, I participated in user research and interviews to better understand who uses each of the touch points of the Developer Portal, what they liked about the current solution, and what they hoped to see from a redesign.

Slowly but surely I helped move the sites that fell under the “Developer Portal” umbrella to feel more as one. I added unified navigation, so a user felt like the sites were all a part of the same ecosystem, even if their back end technology was not the same. Eventually the team was able to do a major overhaul of all the sites, including a much improved Downloads site.

The final phase is bringing the look and feel of the site up to date with the new branding so the user will have a similar experience if they come from the main site, teradata.com, or if they are in one of the sites tied to developers.teradata.com.

In this final exploration of the redesign, there is an emphasis on easier navigation and orienting the user to where they are within the site’s overall hierarchy, and ensuring that the site is fully responsive no matter what size screen the Developer Portal is viewed on.


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